- Oct. 2023: Dr. Perrine gives a presentation on their disinfectant project at the Midwest Great Lakes Regional ACS meeting
- Aug. 2023: Dr. Perrine attends and presents at the 83rd Physical Electronics Conference
- June 2023: Subash and Dr. Perrine along with Lucas and Olivia teach students about surface corrosion and its effect on water quality
- Mar. 2023: Subash and Dr. Perrine present at the American Chemical Society meeting
- Nov. 2022: Dr. Perrine presents at the 68 American Vacuum Society: Imperfectly Perfect Materials.
- Oct. 2022: Subash and Ryan co-present at the local American Chemical Society-UPLS student symposium and the Chemistry Department poster sessions.
- Aug. 2022: Welcome new and returning students: Richard Ikwugbado and Ryan Mackie!
- Aug. 2022: Dr. Perrine gives two presentations on the American Chemical Society meeting in the ENVR and GEOC sections.
- June 2022: The Perrine group teach surface corrosion and water quality to next generation K-12 scientists through the Summer Youth Programs!
- May 2022: Chathura de Alwis passes his PhD defense!
- May 2022: Welcome new students: Subash Pandey, Drew Kolodge, and Danica Lemmons
- April 2022: group alumnus Kayleigh Wahr is off to Graduate School at Clemson University. Good luck Kayleigh!
- April 2022: Danica wins the Rebecca Sandretto and Susan Stackhouse Undergraduate Summer Fellowship!
- March 2022: Dr. Perrine presents virtually at the American Chemical Society meeting. *invited talk
- Positions open for PhD students! click below for more info! PerrineGroup_PhDposition2021
- October 2021: Chathura and Dr. Perrine present at the virtual American Vacuum Society meeting.
- October 23, 2021: Chathura, Kayleigh, and William present at the ACS Upper Peninsula Local Section student symposium on National Mole Day!
- October 16, 2021: Dr. Perrine presents at the annual Michigan Space Grant Consortium Conference at Calvin University
- August 2021: Chathura and Dr. Perrine present at the National ACS meeting in the Geochemistry and Catalysis sections *invited talk
- June 2021: Summer Youth Program students enjoy investigating the surface chemistry of candy and CO2!
- June, 2021: Kayleigh and Dr. Perrine present at the 95th Colloid and Surface Science American Chemical Society virtual Symposium
- May, 2021: Kayleigh’s SURF fellowship is accepted!
- April, 2021: Mikhail successfully defends her PhD thesis! Congratulations!
- April, 2021: Chathura wins the Robert and Kathleen Lane graduate research summer fellowship!
- April, 2021: The Perrine group attends and presents at the spring Materials Research Society virtual meeting.
- Sept 25, 2020: Mikhail was awarded 1st place in the Physical and Computational Chemistry category poster competition sponsored by the Biophysical Society at the 2020 National Organization for the Professional Advancement of Black Chemists and Chemical Engineers!
- Sept. 2020: Dr. Perrine presents at #ChemistsLive at the ACS cross divisional event, CATL division.
- August, 2020: The Perrine Group attends the virtual ACS meeting *invited talk
- June 12, 2020: Congratulations to Chathura for passing his candidacy exam!
- April 22, 2020: Congratulations to Mikhail Trought for earning the Outstanding Graduate Teaching Award (Upper Division) and the Graduate Student Leadership Award! Congratulations to Chathura de Alwis for an Honorable Mention for the Outstanding Graduate Fellowship Award!
- Oct 27, 2019: National ACS outreach event – hands on activities on Marvelous Metals, just before halloween at the Houghton Public Library!
- Aug. 25, 2019: Dr. Perrine gave an invited talk in the Ambient Pressure Spectroscopy in Complex Chemical Environments Symposium at the American Chemical Society meeting in San Diego, California on “Adsorption and reactions at the air/liquid/solid interface using PM-IRRAS in ambient conditions.”
- Summer Youth Programs observe changes in CO2 evolution over candy surfaces!
- June 5, 2019: Mikhail passed her ORP exam! Congratulations, Mikhail!
- May 14, 2019: Chathura passed his qualifier exam! Congratulations, Chathura!
- Dr. Perrine attended the NSF CHE workshop
- May 1-4, 2019: Chathura and Julia presented their work at the Great Lakes Regional ACS Meeting in Lisle, IL.
- Oct 21-27, 2018: Mikhail and Dr. Perrine present their work at the 65th AVS meeting in Long Beach, CA.
- September 27, 2018: Mikhail passes her qualifier exam! Congratulations Mikhail!
- August 2018: Mikhail and Dr. Perrine present research at the 256th ACS meeting in Boston, MA.
- August 3, 2018: Mikhail and Dr. Perrine explain atomic force microscopy to Women in Engineering Summer Youth Program!
- July 23-27, 2018: The Perrine research group hosts Savannah for 5 days as part of the STEM internship program. We hope you enjoyed learning about surfaces, Savannah!
- May 2018: The Perrine research group celebrates Sarah’s graduation and lab completion. Sarah and Nathan stop by to reflect on all their hard work.
- April 14, 2018: Mikhail, Chathura and Isobel presented posters at the Upper Peninsula American Chemical Society Symposium at Northern Michigan University. Chathura won 2nd place! Mikhail and Isobel received honorable mentions!
- March 17, 2018: Dr. Perrine and Director of Center for Science & Environmental Outreach, Joan Chadde, travel to present in the EPA Creating Great Lakes Stewards Workshop in Detroit, MI
- February, 2018: Mikhail and Dr. Perrine travel to the Advanced Light Source at Lawrence Berekely National Laboratory for ambient pressure -XPS experiments!
- Nov. 4, 2017: Keweenaw Bay Ojibwe College middle/high school STEM Enrichment program, Lab Outreach Demonstration on the surface science of candy.
- Oct. 25, 2017: Water Festival Research Outreach Demonstration on the surface chemistry of corrosion.

Mikhail is dressed to step into the clean room to run ALD experiments at University of Minnesota’s NanoCenter
- May 25, 2017: The group attends the AVS Michigan Symposium “Nanomanufacturing: from Fundamentals to Scale-Up.”
- May 10, 2017: Dr. Perrine gives a talk at the AVS Minnesota business meeting in Minneapolis, MN.
- March 25, 2017: the group attends the Upper Peninsula ACS meeting in Marquette, MI.
- November 6-11, 2016: Dr. Perrine attends 63rd annual American Vacuum Society conference in Nashville, TN.
- October 4th, 2016: Dr. Perrine gives a seminar at the Department of Materials Science & Engineering at Michigan Technological University. “Using Surface Science to Understand Chemistry and Fundamental Properties of Tailored Materials”
- September 9th, 2016: Dr. Perrine gives a seminar at Northern Michigan University in Marquette, Michigan. “Surface Chemistry of Metal Oxide Materials”
- May 9-11, 2016: Dr. Perrine travels to DC with the Michigan Tech Office of Research and fellow colleagues to meet with program officers from the National Science Foundation and the Department of Energy. Thank you to the Office of Research for the well-organized trip and support.
- April 8th, 2016: Dr. Perrine hosts Dr. Anna Belu, Senior Principal Scientist and Technical Fellow, from Medtronic in Corporate Science and Technology to reach out to STEM students, particularly women students, by sharing her career highlights and challenges. Her ideas and experiences on how to be successful in starting and growing a scientific career were presented. She also gave a seminar about her research, applying surface science to industry and medical technology. This was funded by the sponsored by the Visiting Women &Minority Lecturer/Scholar Series and the Institutional Equity & Inclusion from the State of Michigan’s King-Chavez-Parks Initiative.
- April 2, 2016: Dr. Perrine volunteers to participate as a poster judge, Upper Peninsula ‐ NE Wisconsin ACS Student Research Symposium, Northern Michigan University, Marquette, Michigan
- November 3-5, 2015: Dr. Perrine visits the National Institute for Standards and Technology in Gaithersburg, Maryland and the Army Research Laboratory in Aberdeen, Maryland.