
Group News

December 12, 2023: Congratulations to Adelina Oronova on successfully defending her Ph.D. thesis.
November 16, 2023: Congratulations to Monica Nyansa on successfully defending her Ph.D. thesis.
Sep 1, 2023: Congratulations to Monica Nyansa, Adelina Oronova, and Nazar Gora on publishing their research work “Turn-on Rhodamine Glycoconjugates Enable Real-Time GLUT Activity Monitoring in Live Cells and In Vivo”. Open access article can be found here.
August 23, 2023: Congratulations to Vedant Buwa on successfully defending his Master’s thesis!
August 2023: Adelina Oronova, Nazar Gora, and Monica Nyansa presented their research works at the Fall 2023 ACS National Meeting.
August 4, 2023: Congratulations to Nazar Gora on successfully defending his Ph.D. thesis titled “Small molecules targeting fructose transport”.
July 2023: Congratulations to Adelina Oronova and Monica Nyansa on receiving Fall 2023 Doctoral Finishing Fellowship!
April 28, 2023: Congratulations to Nazar Gora and previous lab members on publishing the research work “Discrimination of GLUTs by Fructose Isomers Enables Simultaneous Screening of GLUT5 and GLUT2 Activity in Live Cells”.  The article can be found here.
April 2023: Congratulations to Adelina Oronova and Monica Nyansa on receiving Outstanding Graduate Fellowship 2022-2023!
April 2023: Congratulations to Giovanna Bobnock on receiving Chemistry Alumni Undergrad Summer Research Award 2023!
April 2023: Congratulations to Samantha Ludwick on receiving Outstanding Undergraduate Research award!
April 2023:Congratulations to Gabe Bannerman on receiving Summer Undergraduate Research Fellowship (SURF 2023)!
April 2023: Congratulations to Nazar Gora on receiving Doctoral Finishing Fellowship, Summer 2023!
March 2023:  Adelina Oronova, Giovanna Bobnock, and Monica Nyansa presented their research works at Spring 2023 ACS National Meeting.  Adelina’s work was selected for the Sci-Mix session!
January 2023: Congratulations to Nazar Gora on receiving the Health Research Institute Graduate Fellowship. 
December 22, 2022: Congratulations to Adelina Oronova on publishing her research work “Late-Stage Functionalization through Click Chemistry Provides GLUT5-Targeting Glycoconjugate as a Potential PET Imaging Probe”. Free access article can be found here.
November 15, 2022: Congratulations to Nazar Gora on successfully passing his original research proposal examination. Welcome to the research mode!
October-November 2022: Nazar Gora, Alex Ismail, Monica Nyansa, and Adelina Oronova presented their research works at the Fall 2022 Upper Peninsula Local Section ACS Student Research Symposium at NMU and Chemistry Fall Poster Session at MTU.
Aug 21 – 25, 2022: Nazar Gora and Adelina Oronova presented their research works at ACS Fall National Meeting «Sustainability in a Changing World» in Chicago, IL. Nazar’s and Adelina’s works were selected for the Sci-Mix session!
August 2022: Adelina Oronova presented her research work at Alumni-Reunion Poster Session and Upper Peninsula Medical Conference at MTU!
August 4, 2022: Congratulations to Alex Ismail on publishing his review “Importance of GLUT Transporters in Disease Diagnosis and Treatment”. Free access article can be found here.
June 2022: Congratulations to Adelina Oronova on receiving Songer Award for Human Health Research!
June 28, 2022: Congratulations to Nazar Gora on successfully passing his qualifying examination!
March 30, 2022: Congratulations to Monica Nyansa on successfully passing her original research proposal examination. Welcome to the research mode!
March 2022: Nazar Gora and Adelina Oronova presented their research works at the Spring 2022 ACS National Meeting in San Diego, CA. Nazar’s work was selected for the Sci-Mix session!
March 19, 2022: Congratulations to Alex Ismail on successfully passing his original research proposal examination. Welcome to the research mode!
October-November 2021: Nazar Gora, Monica Nyansa, and Adelina Oronova presented their research works at the Fall 2021 Upper Peninsula Local Section ACS Student Research Symposium at NMU and Chemistry Fall Poster Session at MTU.
October 6, 2021: Congrats to Monica Nyansa on successfully passing her Qualifying examination. One more to go before research mode!
September 2021: Congratulations to Monica Nyansa for awards received at the National Organization for the Professional Advancement of Black Chemists and Chemical Engineers (NOBCChE) 2021 Virtual Conference. Monica earned the Graduate Poster Presentation Award in the Biology/Medicinal Chemistry Division and placed first in the Science Communication Competition – Graduate Student Category.
July 2021: Congratulations to Adelina Oronova (4th-year Ph.D. student) on receiving the Human Health Research Institute Graduate Fellowship. The Fellowship will sponsor Adelina’s research on the development of GLUT5-specific high-affinity PET imaging probes for cancer detection.
May 2021: Congratulations to Nazanin Nahrjou and Avik Ghosh on publishing their work on exploring fructose transporter GLUT5 for drug delivery. Free access article can be found here: https://www.mdpi.com/1422-0067/22/10/5073
September 2020: We welcome a second BMB program member to our lab – Nazar Gora. Welcome, Nazar!
August 2020: Congratulations to Nazanin Nahrjou on completing her MS requirements and securing a research position in the molecular & cell engineering department in Codexis.
August 17, 2020: Farewell Summer 2020! We are ready for a new academic year! Welcome students!
August 7, 2020: Two more group members are heading out of Michigan Tech. Congratulations to Nazanin Nahrjou (front, right) for completing her MS. Thanks to our postdoc – Dr. Wafa Mazi (front,  middle) – for her help with synthetic projects. Best of luck to both in their future endeavors!
August 21, 2020: Congratulations to Adelina Oronova on successfully passing her original research proposal examination. Welcome to the research mode!
July 31, 2020: Congrats to Adelina Oronova on successfully passing her Qualifying examination. One more to go before research mode!
July 10, 2020: Congratulations to Vagarshak (Vago) Begoyan on successfully defending Ph.D. thesis titled “Exploring Substrate Specificity of Fructose Transporters en Route to Glut Specific Probes for Biochemical and Biomedical Applications”. Congrats, Vago! Great work! We will  miss you! As of August 10, Vago has accepted the job offer from the Molecular Assemblies. Congrat’s Vago!
June 15, 2020: We are back! The lab has opened today for essential personnel (Ph.D. students and research assistants). It’s like starting anew! Looking forward to having our undergraduate students back!
June 9, 2020: Congratulations to Avik Ghosh on being selected for Oral presentation on the upcoming August 2020 Netional ACS meeting. The topic is titled “Exploring the impact of GLUT5 inhibition on breast cancers”. Please join us at the ACS for the talk.
March 2020: The lab is shut down but we are trying to keep our spirits up! 🙂 There is a lot of work we can do from home; like writing review papers. Two are in planing and, hopefully, will be out by the end of the year!
January 2020: We welcome a new Research Assistant – Wafa Mazi. During her Ph.D. studies, Wafa has gained a broad experience in synthesis of BODIPY compounds and will be working on exploring substrate tolerance by GLUT5 through development of GLUT5-targeting BODIPY dyes of different geometries (NIH R15).
January 2020: We welcome a new member to the lab. Abreham (Alex) Ismail is our first year Ph.D. student. Alex started to work on exploring the diffrences in substrate selection between GLUT5 and GLUT2 and is working on the development of GLUT2-specific molecular imaging probes.
November 2019: Dr. Tanasova receives the REF-IE grant from the Portage Health Foundation for purchasing the state-of-the-art flow cytometer. The instrument will enhance imaging and analysis capabilities at Tech and will be available in the cell culture facility in Chemical Sciences and Engineering Building.
07/01/2019: Congratulations to the Tanasova Group on receiving the NIH R15 Award for the project titled “Exploiting cellular discrimination through GLUTs with small-molecule GLUT-targeting probes”.
04/25/2019: Congratulations to Vago Begoyan for receiving an Outstanding Graduate Student Award and all Chemistry students for a successful academic year!
03/28/2019: Congratulations to Avik Ghosh on receiving 3-rd place in Poster competition and the Chemistry Department on receiving the Highest Participation Merit Award at the MTU Graduate Research Symposium.
03/20/2019: Congratulations to Andrew Cooper on receiving Summer Undergraduate Fellowship (SURF 2019) Awards to work on development of GLUT5-specifici fluorescent affinity probes.
10/20/2018: Congratulations to Vaho Begoyan on receiving an “Outstanding Teaching Award” from the Graduate School. Great work, Vaho!
10/01/2018: Check out our new review on sugar uptake and disease connection: “Targeting Sugar Uptake and Metabolism for Cancer Identification and Therapy: An Overview“.
08/10/2018: Congratulations to Tanasova and Christov labs on a new Chemical biology communication focusing on the function and substrate-protein interaction of GLUT5. “Integrating molecular probes and molecular dynamics to reveal binding modes of GLUT5 activatory and inhibitory ligands.”
08/2018 ACS meeting brings a new experience.
04/10/2018: Congrats to the groups (Tanasova and Rao) on being recognized by the TechNews. “GLUT5 Fluorescent Probe Fingerprints Cancer Cells“.
04/10/2018: Check out a new approach to distinguish cells based on their sugar uptake and metabolism in a new publication by Kannan and Begoyan: “Metabolism-Driven High-Throughput Cancer Identification with GLUT5-Specific Molecular Probes“.
03/25/2018: This past week some of our students had the pleasure of attending the ACS National meeting at New Orleans to present some of our current projects. The conference and city were both amazing!
03/19/2018: Congratulations to Vaho Begoyan on publishing the Chemical Communication paper “Multicolor GLUT5-permeable fluorescent probes for fructose transport analysis“.
10/20/2017: Congratulations to Lukasz Weselinski and Vagarshak Begoyan on Publishing the ACS Omega atricle “Tuning Cross-Coupling Approaches to C3 Modification of 3-Deazapurines”
02/10/2017: Congratulations to Joseph R. Fedie on defending his Master Thesis ” Targeting Fructose Transporter GLUT5 in Cancer”
01/06/2017: Welcome new students!