Gamme gets Finishing Fellowship!

The Graduate School awarded Gamme with the prestigious Ph.D. Finishing Fellowship. As per official communication from Dr. Debra Charlesworth (Assistant Dean for Graduate Studies and Postdoctoral Affairs), “The panel was impressed with Gemechis’ research, publication record, and contribution to the mission of Michigan Tech. The dean has recommended providing full support (stipend + 9-credits of research) for spring semester.” We deeply thank the Grad School for this award which will allow Gamme to concentrate on writing and editing his Ph.D. dissertation, finishing up a couple of publications, and get ready for his Ph.D. defence by the end of Spring 2018. Way to go, Gamme!

Dr. Valenzano’s Seminar

Dr. Valenzano delivered a seminar to the Chemistry Department describing the achievements of her research group of the last five years. Title: “Answering Fundamental Questions Critical to Designing Materials and How My Quantum Chemical Dream Became My Vision“.

The abstract can be found at: