
Tiwari Research Group

Author name: tiwari

2018 Spring Awards Program

Rashmi Adhikari (Ph.D. Candidate) was awarded with the Outstanding Upper-Division Chemistry Teaching Assistant Award and the Ray E. and Eleanor K. Cross Endowed Graduate Fellowship in Chemistry. Sam Willard (Undergraduate Researcher) was awarded the Rebecca Sandretto and Susan Stackhouse Summer Fellowship.

Colina Dutta in Michigan Tech News

Research of Graduate Student Colina Dutta in Tiwari Lab was highlighted in Michigan Tech News Article Fluorescent Probes Could Light Up Cancer.

Flaws in Folding

Ashutosh Tiwari shows us that small mistakes in folding–whether it be paper or proteins–can have big implications. Dr. Tiwari was featured in a Michigan Tech Research Magazine article about Flaws in Folding.

Nethaniah Dorh in Michigan Tech News

Research of graduate student Nethaniah Dorh in Tiwari lab. was featured in the Michigan Tech News in the article The Case of Sticky Protein by Allison Mills. 

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