
Tracy Mulka
Undergraduate Biochemistry Research Award (2016)

Kaley Annis
Outstanding Senior Research Award (2016)

Sarah Hopson
Eleanor and Ray Cross Summer Fellowship (2016)
College of Science and Arts Outstanding Graduate Student Teaching Award (2016)
Outstanding Lower-Division Teaching Award (2015)

Chelsea Nikula
ORISE Summer Fellowship (2016)
Second Place Poster, ACS Upper Peninsula Chapter Student Research Symposium (2016)
Outstanding Leadership in Student Government Award (2016)
Outstanding Graduate Student Leadership Award (2016)
Outstanding Upper-Division Teaching Award (2015)
College of Science and Arts Outstanding Graduate Student Teaching Award (2013)

Katrina Bugielski
Outstanding Lower-Division Teaching Award (2011)
College of Science and Arts Outstanding Graduate Student Teaching Award (2012)

Talisha Sutton
Undergraduate Biochemistry Research Award (2011)

Samantha Stam
Undergraduate Biochemistry Research Award (2010)
Outstanding Senior Research Award (2010)

Mark Parmley
Outstanding Lower-Division Teaching Award (2009)

Josh Bailey
Outstanding Upper-Division Graduate Teaching Award (2006)

Renu Chandrasekaran
Outstanding Graduate Student- Honorable Mention (2006)
Woman of Promise (2006)